28 Nov 2023
What fuels our Social Media Executive, Moni?
Meet Moni, our talented Social Media Executive. Moni’s expertise lies community management, building connections, and helping our clients tell their story through social media.
Want to know more about Moni? Read on…
What energises you the most in life?
At work, it’s learning something new. It might be a new skill or a new way of thinking about something. I like to challenge myself and try new things.
Personally, it’s spending time with family and friends. I have family all over the world so keeping up with who’s doing what and where they’re doing it is a full-time job in itself.
What’s your key to long-lasting collaborations and client relationships?
In my experience, it’s about making a personal connection, and finding that shared language and understanding of what makes the other person tick.
When do you feel in your element?
When I travel. I’ve always had itchy feet and I love nothing more than arriving somewhere new and immersing myself in that place. Some of my favourite days have been when I’ve taken a meander through streets with no real destination.
What’s your go-to productivity hack?
I love a to-do list. I write my list in the evening, ready for the next day. I mark each job as either important or urgent, which just helps me manage my time and energy better. There’s nothing more satisfying than crossing a job off the list once it’s done.
What does your digital detox look like?
I love to read. I tend to have a few books on the go at the same time and I have a whole bookcase of books waiting to be read. I do try to limit the time I spend on social media on the weekends unless the football gods have been kind.
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The last couple of years has taught me the importance of looking after my mental health so I now meditate every evening and practise mindfulness.
What’s the nerdiest thing you do outside of work?
I have just joined a local litter picking group and I am definitely a convert. I started as a way of being outdoors more as I don’t have a garden. It’s also a great way of meeting people as well as doing my bit for the planet. In fact, I have just secured funding for my school to buy enough litter picking equipment for a whole class, so my local area might become the cleanest neighbourhood in NW London soon.
Want to be part of our success factory? We’re always looking for bright sparks to join team SeventhElement. If you think you could be a good fit, please get in touch!