06 Feb 2020
What fuels our Creative Director, Kate?
Introducing our creative director, Kate. Since joining SeventhElement back in 2018, the agency has evolved into a hub of creativity and innovation.
She fuels our explosive and energetic concepts and creative work. She comes complete with our excitable and inquisitive office pooch, Victor Hugo. Let’s find out what makes Kate tick…
What energises you the most in life?
I enjoy being amongst inquisitive minds and people that challenge me in different ways. What energises me the most is the dynamic environment that is fuelled by curiosity and continuous learning. The digital industry keeps you on your toes due to its fast pace and development. If you are not ahead, you are almost instantly behind that’s why it is important to never stop educating yourself, adapting and keeping your finger on the pulse.
What’s your key to long-lasting collaborations and client relationships?
My motto in business relationships is less talking and more listening. I like to immerse myself in clients businesses to understand their problems and needs from the inside. I believe a core understanding makes you a better designer, marketeer and creative. And honesty too. Successful outcomes with lasting results cannot be built on false promises, only on a realistic strategy that is followed through.
What’s your go-to productivity hack?
Never tackle the small admin stuff first. A lot of people fall into this trap in an attempt to minimise their task list quickly – it is procrastination in disguise and won’t get you anywhere. I reply to my emails on the go – while commuting or in-between meetings. When I am stationary at my desk I like to focus on strategy or creative tasks that require time, energy and thought.
What does your digital detox look like?
It is very difficult to detox these days when you are so used to be tuned in to the world every single second. The only opportunity I get is somewhere without any phone signal. Remote areas of the UK, in Wales or Scotland, provide a perfect opportunity to isolate yourself from the world for a couple of days, go hiking or camping; go back to basics. I enjoy places where even Google Maps do not load and you can really feel what being off the grid is really about and tune into natural beauty around you.
Nitrogen is used as a coolant: how do you keep cool under pressure?
I count to ten, never react quickly and give my dog a stroke and a scratch behind the ear if he is within reach.
What’s the nerdiest thing you do outside of work?
The list is actually pretty long and varied as I am known for being quite a nerd. But the nerdiest of them all is perhaps my harp. I have started learning to play the harp a couple of years ago and I stuck with it. Not the easiest or the coolest of instruments to learn as an adult but I love the sound and hopefully, my neighbours do too.
What’s your favourite success story you’ve been a part of?
I enjoyed orchestrating an email strategy for Memory Foam Warehouse and seeing what difference it made to the business and the overall digital strategy we implemented, propelled sales revenue by 25%. We also raised the look and feel of the brand a notch with creative photography direction and implementation of the existing brand guidelines, so that the established mattress retailer stood out from the competition but didn’t lose its loyal customer base.