21 Jan 2022

2021 Distilled – Our Year in Pictures

We’ve all read enough posts about the ‘unprecedented’ year everyone’s had. So instead of focusing on the doom and gloom, we wanted to highlight some of the fun and exciting developments that have happened at SeventhElement over the last year. 

Here’s our 2021 roundup in pictures

From homeworking to office-hopping 

For most of us, the start of the year meant we were back to WFH. As soon as restrictions allowed, we were out and about, office-hopping around London for in-person meetings and strategy sessions. 

From Euston to Shoreditch – we took the opportunity to test out some different office spaces around the city to help us decide where to call our new home. 

Thankfully, we’re now safely back at Old Street in a permanent office with an impressive view.

Visit us for a coffee (or a beer!): 145 City Rd, London EC1V 1AZ

SeventhElement office view SeventhElement office

Creative juices (and beer) were flowing 

It’s not a SeventhElement team session if it doesn’t culminate in a pub stop to get the creative juices flowing. We well and truly made the most of beer gardens during the warmer months of 2021. 

Fun-fuelled fact: This is one of our best-ever posts on Instagram, sparking almost 600 likes

SeventhElement team social at the pub

Kick-starting digital marketing careers

Lots of people had plenty of time on their hands last year, making it the perfect opportunity to invest in professional development.

We know digital marketing can be a tough industry to crack, so we wanted to create an extensive resource for those looking to get a foot in the door. 

So, we released our digital marketing toolkit, a definitive guide to free digital marketing qualifications to help kick-start careers in the industry. 

Self start your digital marketing career

Amplifying the net zero message on LinkedIn

With COP26 being held in Glasgow this year, there was a much-needed focus on sustainability and reaching net zero. 

To celebrate Net Zero Week 2021 and look ahead to COP26, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) commissioned us to visualise future careers and eating with a range of infographics. 

By making use of impactful stats such as…

  • food is estimated to account worldwide for 31% of greenhouse gas emissions

…and by implementing our integrated LinkedIn campaign strategy, the infographic became the most engaged post on their LinkedIn page, amassing over 400 likes, 68 comments and 92 shares.

UKRI Net Zero Eating LinkedIn post

Doing our bit 

2021 was the year of doing our bit and upping our game. 

We were delighted to join the Good Business Charter – an accreditation for UK businesses to encourage better business practises. Think real living wage, employee representation and environmental responsibility. 

On 8th October we raided our wardrobes to don our finest yellow outfits in honour of Young Minds mental health charity. #HelloYellow

Wearing yellow for mental health charity Young Minds UK

Navigating Google’s algorithm updates

This year was one of seemingly endless Google algorithm updates and we had to live up to our ‘relentless execution’ motto to maintain our brands and partners’ website health and rankings. 

Out of this work, we produced a guide to Core Web Vitals to share what we’ve learned about image optimisation and help you navigate the changes. 

Google's core vitals update

Growing the success factory

We were more than pleased to welcome two new team members in 2021. 

Meet Rory, our new Social Media Lead and David, our new Digital Marketing Executive. 

With over 5 years of dedicated B2B social experience, Rory excels in strategy, planning and campaign management. Outside of office life, he spends a dangerous amount of time updating and expanding his playlists on Discogs. Find out what fuels Rory…

A fun-fuelled Christmas party

After a tumultuous year, we were very grateful to be able to celebrate the highs at the SeventhElement Christmas party. Although it was a more low-key affair than some of our previous blowouts, it felt incredible to be together eating, drinking and racing the streets of East London in our annual photo scavenger competition. 

Everyone’s favourite cheeses + Xav’s favourite Champagne = An office party to remember!

Thank you to Oslo Hackney for the free tequila, Cay Tre for the delicious Vietnamese food and to Laudemio Frescobaldi for the unexpected Christmas gift. 

SeventhElement Christmas party at Oslo in Hackney SeventhElement with client gift from Laudemio Frescobaldi SeventhElement scavenger hunt

What’s on the horizon for 2022?

Our new year’s resolution? To banish the phrase ‘you’re on mute’ once and for all. 

On a more serious note, we’re already looking ahead to see how we can improve our services, grow our team, connect with more organisations and plan bigger and better socials.

Get in touch to see how we can work together to spark creativity, boost knowledge and fuel your digital success.